Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Let's talk Looper!!! Go see this movie. I was thinking and discussing it days later. It wasn't the normal man, too actiony film for me. There was plenty of action, but also plenty of things to have you thinking, "Wait, what?" This movie stars Bruce Willis (always love me some Bruce) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Let's just talk about this. Joesph plays well "Joe" in the past. Bruce plays "Joe" in the future.
Here's Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing past "Joe". Wait, I kept thinking "this looks like the kid who was in 500 days of Summer, Inception, the Dark Knight." But his eyes are the wrong color!!!  See below:
They tried to make him look like Bruce Willis "future Joe". Oh, I get it. Still freaky though. I like our little actor looking his normal self.
A ways into the movie we get to see Emily Blunt, aka, bad ass.
Wait till you see Peirce Gagnon in this film. His character had me asking "Do I love him, do I hate him?? " It's hard to decide, but he's a terrific little actor!
I give this movie a 4 1/2 out of 5.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Oh Stardust!!! This movie did not get the attention it deserved.
Romance, Robert DeNiro as a gay pirate, sword fighting, Claire Danes as a literal STAR, evil witches, what more could you ask for?!

I loved this movie from beginning to end.
5 out of 5.