Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reign of Fire

Oh, you'd like to see a Dragon Movie set in the future?! Well, here you go! This was filmed in 2002 and for some reason, I missed it. I kept thinking this was a different movie I had seen before. Which I can't remember the title of obviously.  

What? This looks nothing like Matthew McConaughey?! I know right? But he is a fabulous actor. As well as Christian Bale. Look closely ladies and gents, unfortunately, this is the only scene we have shritless. SOAK IT ALL IN.

I'm not going to post a picture of the dragons, because they are worth seeing!
Over all I give this a 3 out of 5. It's a fun futuristic premise with some good acting, and an okay story line.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Let's talk Looper!!! Go see this movie. I was thinking and discussing it days later. It wasn't the normal man, too actiony film for me. There was plenty of action, but also plenty of things to have you thinking, "Wait, what?" This movie stars Bruce Willis (always love me some Bruce) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Let's just talk about this. Joesph plays well "Joe" in the past. Bruce plays "Joe" in the future.
Here's Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing past "Joe". Wait, I kept thinking "this looks like the kid who was in 500 days of Summer, Inception, the Dark Knight." But his eyes are the wrong color!!!  See below:
They tried to make him look like Bruce Willis "future Joe". Oh, I get it. Still freaky though. I like our little actor looking his normal self.
A ways into the movie we get to see Emily Blunt, aka, bad ass.
Wait till you see Peirce Gagnon in this film. His character had me asking "Do I love him, do I hate him?? " It's hard to decide, but he's a terrific little actor!
I give this movie a 4 1/2 out of 5.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Oh Stardust!!! This movie did not get the attention it deserved.
Romance, Robert DeNiro as a gay pirate, sword fighting, Claire Danes as a literal STAR, evil witches, what more could you ask for?!

I loved this movie from beginning to end.
5 out of 5.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Johnny Depp is the voice of this chameleon who falls out of his aquarium into the wild west. There are a few adult jokes in this that are uncomfortable to explain to a questioning 6 year old. While this movie had it moments, I felt like matinee pricing was about right. Not a great blockbuster like How to Train your Dragon or Tangled.

I give it 3 out of5.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


The PRINCESS BRIDE came out in 1987. I was 12! What a perfect age. I still know every line from this movie. I still remember seeing it in the theater. The beginning was not what I expected! It was modern day with Fred Savage. I was there to see an old fashioned Princess movie. That came quickly after.
This kiss blew them all away. The Princess seems a little stuck up and demanding at first, but you grow to love her. Westley is beautiful from the first moment you see him.

Look at these guys! You never know what is in store in this movie. All sorts of unexpected things happen in this film. Screeching Eels, the fire swamp, iocaine powder... inconceivable!!!

It was hard to believe this was Billy Crystal!! Miracle Max and his hatred for Humperdink!! "Have fun storming the castle!" I owned the VHS, and I now own the DVD. I even had the soundtrack on casette tape. The song at the closing credits is my favorite.
There is romance, action, adventure, and comedy. It has it all. I highly recommend it and declare it's one of my all time favorites.
5 out of 5!
Very conceivable.


This movie came out in 2007. The previews looked Awesome. Taylor and I couldn't wait to go. While I liked it, it did feel like a 28 DAYS LATER rip off. But who hasn't ripped that movie off lately? It's such a great story. There's some sort of outbreak and most of mankind becomes Zombies.
While I'm not a dog fan, Will Smith's feelings towards his dog "Sam"antha almost had me in tears. I am an easy crier when it comes to movies. I recorded this movie on the DVR and Taylor and I watched it this afternoon in HD. Woo hoo!! I am impressed with Will Smith's performance in this one and enjoyed it both times I saw it!

3 out of 5.


Black Swan

Kristin - So I knew I didn't want to see this film from the preview, but I had to see what all the fuss was about. It was interesting, but I would not recommend it. Natalie Portman's character had this anguished look on her face the entire film. I was impressed by her dancing, and wondered how good she really was compared to ballet professionals. This film almost has an indy (independant film) feel, but not quite. The basic premise is that Nina is working hard to have the role of the "Black Swan" in the ballet company, while having some hallucinations on the way. She meets Mila's character who seems to want to befriend her.
Natalie Portman is looking Hot here.

I didn't realize Mila was in this movie. I'm sure you've heard there is about 1 minute of girl on girl in this film. That was all it took for Taylor to forget the other two hours and proclaim it the "BEST MOVIE EVER". I guess seeing some porn in a regular theater deems it as "best movie" for him. What can I say? He's all man.
2 out of 5 stars for me.

GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's A+ It has your head spinning and questioning everything about what is real and what is in her mind.
4 out of 5 stars