Saturday, February 5, 2011

Black Swan

Kristin - So I knew I didn't want to see this film from the preview, but I had to see what all the fuss was about. It was interesting, but I would not recommend it. Natalie Portman's character had this anguished look on her face the entire film. I was impressed by her dancing, and wondered how good she really was compared to ballet professionals. This film almost has an indy (independant film) feel, but not quite. The basic premise is that Nina is working hard to have the role of the "Black Swan" in the ballet company, while having some hallucinations on the way. She meets Mila's character who seems to want to befriend her.
Natalie Portman is looking Hot here.

I didn't realize Mila was in this movie. I'm sure you've heard there is about 1 minute of girl on girl in this film. That was all it took for Taylor to forget the other two hours and proclaim it the "BEST MOVIE EVER". I guess seeing some porn in a regular theater deems it as "best movie" for him. What can I say? He's all man.
2 out of 5 stars for me.

GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's A+ It has your head spinning and questioning everything about what is real and what is in her mind.
4 out of 5 stars

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